Bhartiya Yog Mahasangh

Free Yoga Camp in Your Association

Our Trust provides training in Yoga at many places in Delhi. With regards to this, yoga can play a vital role in our lives, if proper methodology is adopted. For example, people can’t concentrate continuously inside home and working place for a long duration, but YOGA can improve the feeling of achieving a milestone through hard work and determination. Yoga not only improves one’s physical personality but also strengthens mental & emotional attributes. Along with this it also inculcates patriotism and loyalty for our nation. Our Trust has conducted lot of programmes and has become popular in Delhi area, as well as many of the famous institutions, multinational companies and schools also for stern management by giving small tips to the executives to work & health better. Our Trust does not only teach yoga but also deals in naturopathy.

Objective of our trust :
  • All round development of the people.
  • To make every person physically, mentally fit & psychologically balanced.
  • They will get all round development through our training session.
  • It will develop them successfully in every aspect of their life.
  • To install a positive mental attitude (PMA) among the people.
  • To help a person develop their mental capabilities to face the competitive environment.
  • To make a person active and determined to achieve his or her goals, etc.

We will provide professional trainer for the group who will teach them the basic exercise related with Yoga, Prayanyama & Meditation.
We hope that your good self will give us an opportunity to serve your esteemed Association.