Bhartiya Yog Mahasangh

To organize camps for poor, weaker section of the society physically handicaps and orphans. To organize health camps to give information regarding ancient yoga and its blend with the modern yoga. To inculcate in human beings human welfare values and thoughts.

Main objectives of the Bhartiya Yog Mahasang
  • To help them alleviate various diseases and disorders, and to uproot the wrong notions which are being disseminated about nationalism, humane long and yoga with yogic exercises.
  • To inculcate in the people the spirit of staunch nationalism, eliminating personal differences, increasing puritanical love for the humanity and real knowledge to the whole universe about humanly love.
  • To promote awareness of people towards Indian medicinal and health care system, research, training and development.
  • To promote naturopathy and to unite and imbibe the spirit of all the human beings towards our real resources i.e. Nature and its natural medicinal products.
  • Through yoga, to take index at the apex of the world. To help in the search of almost extinct herbal plants, to revive and cure the diseases through them.
  • To provide employment to the youth of today through yogic techniques.
  • To open hospitals, nurseries for the poor weaker section of the society, physically challenged & orphans, and to provide them best doctors & medicines along with charitable dispensaries & nursing homes.
  • To provide scholarships to the students of economically weaker section & meritorious students.
  • To do efforts to assist poor, weak physically challenged, orphan, dependent widows, old people and to deliver them their due respect and lost dignity.
  • To inculcate in the sections of the society a feeling of religiosity, socialization, nationalism, patriotism and promote development and growth through all these efforts.
  • To establish drug de-addiction create and make our society free of addiction to organize blood donation camps from time-to-time to help all to serve all.
  • To protect environment and to create awareness about environment amongst city dwellers and rural areas.
  • To help in abating crime in the society and bring the deviated youth to the main stream of the nation.
  • To eradicate completely the evil practices like dowry child marriage, child labour, liquor consumption,drug- addiction, personal animosity, illegal activities crimes, strict mores from the society and to make effective law for the same.
  • To protect the civil rights of the officials of the mahasang and of the common man, assist in correspondence with the respective Govt. authorities and to take legal help as and when required.
  • To provide succorance and all kinds of aids to the victims affected by flood, famine, earth quake, storm etc to provide them food, clothes, shelter transport and any other help in kind and material when required.
  • To provide knowledge and information to people about the Govt. schemes especially meant for Leprosy, Cancer, AIDS, etc. and to give right counseling the same.
  • To create awareness about H.I.V. AIDS amongst people and to organize blood donation camps and dental checkup from time to time.
  • To perform programs for the moral, intellectual, mental, educational, physical, spiritual, cultural & economical development of the society.
  • To plan schemes for the physically & mentally challenged people as per Govt. norms.
  • To spread and make Adult-literacy amongst men and women a stock-phrase.
  • To launch programmes for adult education, youth education & informal education.